
Ερευνητικό προσωπικό



  • CharcoJ, VenturasM, GilL, NanosN (2017). Effective seed dispersal and fecundity variation in a small and marginal population of Pinus pinaster Ait. growing in a harsh environment: Implications for conservation of forest genetic resources. Forests, 8(9):312, DOI:10.3390/f809031
  • Nanos N and Sjöstedt-de-Luna, S. (2017). Fitting diameter distribution models to data from forest inventories with concentric plot design. Forest Systems, 26(2):e01S., DOI:10.5424/fs/2017262-10486
  • Charco, J, Perea, R, Gil, L, and Nanos, N. (2016). Impact of deer rubbing on pine forests: implications for conservation and management of Pinus pinaster populations - European Journal of Forest Research, 135(4): 719–729. doi: 10.1007/s10342-016-0967-6.
  • Rodríguez Martin, J., Nanos, N. (2016). Soil as an archive of coal-fired power plant mercury deposition –  Journal of Hazardous Materials, 308:131-138
  • Nanos, N., Grigoratos, T., Rodríguez Martin, J, Samara, C. (2015). Scale-dependent correlations between soil heavy metals and As around four coal-fired power plants of northern Greece – Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 29(6):1531-1543
  • López de Heredia U, Nanos N, García-del-Rey E, Guzmán P, López R, Venturas M, Gil Muñoz P, Gil L. (2015). High seed dispersal ability of Pinus canariensis in stands of contrasting density inferred from genotypic data – Forest Systems, 24(1):e015
  • Venturas M, Fuentes-Utrilla P, López R, Perea R, Fernández V, Gascó A, Guzmán P, Li M, Rodríguez-Calcerrada J, Miranda E, Domínguez J, González-Gordaliza G, Zafra E, Fajardo-Alcántara M, Martín JA, Ennos R, Nanos N, Lucena JJ, Iglesias S, Collada C, Gil L (2015). Ulmus laevis in the Iberian Peninsula: a review of its ecology and conservation. – iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry, 8, 135-142.
  • Rodriguez Martin, J., Nanos, N., Grigoratos, T., Carbonell, G., & Samara, C. (2014). Local deposition of mercury in topsoils around coal-fired power plants: is it always true? – Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21(17), 10205-10214.
  • Venturas M, Nanos N, Gil L. 2014. The reproductive ecology of Ulmus laevis Pallas in a transformed habitat – Forest Ecology and Management, 312, 170-178
  • Juez L, González-Martínez SC, Nanos N, Lucas de AI, Ordóñez C, Peso del C, Bravo F. 2014. Can seed production and restricted dispersal limit recruitment in Pinus pinaster Aiton from the Spanish Northern Plateau? – Forest Ecology and Management, 313, 329:339
  • Cristóbal D, Martínez-Zurimendi P, Villamediana I, Ciriza J, Villar J, Nanos N, Sierra-de-Grado R. 2014. Clonal structure and dynamics of peripheral Populus tremula L. populations - iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry, 7: 140-149
  • Rodriguez Martin, JA., Nanos, N., Miranda,  JC, Carbonell, G, Gil, L. 2013 Volcanic mercury in Pinus canariensisNaturwissenschaften- The Science of Nature, 100: 739–747, DOI: 10.1007/s00114-013-1070-1
  • Millerón, M., López de Heredia, U., Lorenzo, Z., Dounavi, A., Alonso, J., Gil, L., Nanos, N. 2013. Assessment of spatial discordance of primary and effective seed dispersal of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) by ecological and genetic methods – Molecular Ecology, 22: 1531-1545
  • Rodriguez Martin, JA., Carbonell, G., Nanos, N., Gutiérrez, C. 2013. Source identification of soil mercury in Spanish islands – Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 64: 171-179
  • Millerón, M., López de Heredia, U., Lorenzo, Z., Perea, R., Alonso, J., Gil, L., Nanos, N. 2012. Effect of canopy closure on pollen dispersal in a wind pollinated species (Fagus sylvatica L.)  - Plant Ecology, 213: 1715-1728
  • Nanos, N. and Rodríguez Martín, JA. 2012 Multiscale analysis of heavy metal contents in soils: Spatial variability in the Duero river basin (Spain), Geoderma, 189-190: 554-562
  • Rodríguez-Calcerrada, J., Nanos, N., del Rey, M.C., López de Heredia, U., Gil, L. 2011. Small-scale variation of vegetation in a mixed forest understory is partly controlled by the effect of overstory composition on litter accumulation - Journal of Forest Research, 16: 473-483
  • Rodríguez-Calcerrada, J., Nanos, N. and Aranda, I. 2011. The relevance of seed size in modulating leaf physiology and early plant performance in two tree species – Trees: Structure and Function, 25: 873-884
  • Bravo, F., Álvarez, JG,. del Rio, M., Barrio, M., Bonet, JA.,  Bravo-Oviedo, A., Calama, R., Castedo, F., Crecente-Campo, F., Condés, S., Diéguez, U., González-Martínez, SC., Lizarralde, I., Nanos, N., Madrigal, M., Martínez-Millán, FJ., Montero, G., Ordóñez, C., Palahí, M., Piqué, M., Rodríguez, F., Rodríguez, R., Rojo, A., Ruiz-Peinado, R., Sánchez-González, M., Trasobares, A., Vázquez, J. 2011. Growth and yield models in Spain: Historical overview, contemporary examples and perspectives - Forest systems 20 (2): 315-328
  • Garcia-del-Rey, E., Nanos, N., López-de-Heredia, U., Gil Muñoz, P., Otto, R., Fernández-Palacios, JM. and Gil, L. 2011. Spatiotemporal variation of a Pinus seed rain available for an endemic finch in an insular environment - European Journal of Wildlife Research 57: 337-347
  • Nanos, N., Larson, K., Millerón, M. and Sjöstedt-de-Luna, S. 2010. Inverse modeling for effective dispersal: Do we need tree size to estimate fecundity? - Ecological Modelling 221: 2415-2424
  • Garcia-del-Rey, E., Gil, L., Nanos, N., López-de-Heredia, U., Muñoz, P. G. and Fernandez-Palacios, J. M. 2009. Habitat characteristics and seed crops used by Blue Chaffinches Fringilla teydea in winter: implications for conservation management. - Bird Study 56: 168 - 176
  • Rodríguez, J., Nanos, N., Grau, J., Gil, L. and López-Arias, M. 2008. Multiscale analysis of heavy metal contents in Spanish agricultural topsoils - Chemosphere 70: 1085-1096
  • González-Martínez, S., Burczyk, J., Nathan, R., Nanos, N., Gil, L. and Alía, R. 2006. Effective gene dispersal and female reproductive success in Mediterranean maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Aiton) - Molecular Ecology 15 4577–4588
  • Nanos, N., Pardo, F., Alonso, J., Pardos, J. and Gil, L. 2005. Using multivariate factorial kriging for multiscale ordination: A case study - Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35: 2860-2874
  • Martin-Pinto, P., Pajares, J. A., Nanos, N. and Diez, J. J. 2004. Site and seasonal influences on the fungal community on leaves and stems of Pinus and Quercus seedlings in forest nurseries - Sydowia 56: 243-257
  • Nanos, N., Calama, R., Montero, G. and Gil, L. 2004. Geostatistical prediction of height/diameter models - Forest Ecology and Management 195: 221-235
  • Nanos, N., González Martínez, S. C. and Bravo, F. 2004. Studying within-stand structure and dynamics with geostatistical and molecular marker tools - Forest Ecology and Management 189: 223-240
  • Gil, L., Climent, J., Nanos, N., Mutke, S., Ortiz, I. and Schiller, G. 2002. Cone morphology variation in Pinus canariensis Sm. - Plant Systematics and Evolution 235: 35-51
  • Nanos, N. and Montero, G. 2002. Spatial prediction of diameter distribution models - Forest Ecology and Management 161: 147-158
  • Nanos, N., Tadesse, W., Montero, G., Gil, L. and Alia, R. 2001. Spatial stochastic modeling of resin yield from pine stands - Canadian Journal of Forest Research 31: 1140-1147
  • Nanos, N., Tadesse, W., Montero, G., Gil, L. and Alia, R. 2000. Modelling resin production distributions for Pinus pinaster Ait. using two probability functions - Annals of Forest Science 57: 369-377


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