

Peer-reviewed articles in international scientific journals


1.  Fotelli MN, Radoglou KM, Constantinidou E-IA. 2000. Water stress responses of seedlings of four Mediterranean oak species. Tree Physiology 20: 1065-1075. (I.F.=3.405)


2.  Fotelli MN, Geβler A, Peuke AD, Rennenberg H. 2001. Drought affects the competition between Fagus sylvatica L. seedlings and an early successional species (Rubus fruticosus): growth, water status and δ13C composition. New Phytologist 151: 427-435.


3. Fotelli MN, Nahm M, Heidenfelder A, Papen H, Rennenberg H, Geßler A. 2002. Soluble non-protein nitrogen compounds indicate changes in the nitrogen status of beech seedlings due to climate and thinning. New Phytologist 154: 85-97


4.  Fotelli MN, Rennenberg H, Geßler A. 2002. Effects of drought on the competitive interference of an early successional species (Rubus fruticosus) on Fagus sylvatica L. seedlings: 15N uptake and partitioning, responses of amino acids and other N compounds. Plant Biology 4: 311-320.


5.  Awada T, Radoglou K, Fotelli MN, Constantinidou HI-A. 2002. Ecophysiology of three Mediterranean pine species under contrasting light regimes. Tree Physiology 23: 33-41.


6.  Fotelli MN, Rennenberg H. Holst T, Mayer A, Gessler A. 2003. Carbon isotope composition of various tissues of beech (Fagus sylvatica) regeneration is indicative of recent environmental conditions within the forest understorey. New Phytologist 159: 229-244.


7.  Collier M, Fotelli MN, Nahm N, Kopriva S, Rennenberg H, Hanke D, Geßler A. 2003. Regulation of nitrogen uptake by Fagus sylvatica on a whole plant level: interactions between cytokinins and soluble N compounds. Plant, Cell and Environment 20: 1549-1560.


8.  Fotelli MN, Rienks M, Rennenberg H, Geßler. 2004. Climate and forest management affect 15N-uptake, N balance and biomass of European beech seedlings. Trees: structure and function 18: 157-166.


9.  Fotelli MN, Rudolph P, Rennenberg H, Geßler A. 2004. Irradiance and temperature affect the interference of the early successional Rubus fruticosus L. on the physiological performance of European beech seedlings. New Phytologist 165: 453-462.


10. Nahm M, Radoglou K, Rennenberg H, Chalyvopoulos G, Fotelli MN. 2006. Physiological performance of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) at its south-eastern distribution limit in Europe: Seasonal changes in nitrogen, carbon and water balance. Plant Biology 8: 52-63.


11. Fotelli MN, Nahm M, Radoglou K, Rennenberg H, Matzarakis A. 2009. Seasonal and interannual ecophysiological responses of beech (Fagus sylvatica) at its south-eastern distribution limit in Europe. Forest Ecology and Management 257: 1157-1164.


12.  Kalloniati C, Tsikou D, Lampiri V, Fotelli MN, Rennenberg H, Chatzipavlidis I, Fasseas C, Katinakis P, Flemetakis E. 2009. Characterization of a Mesorhizobium loti a-type carbonic anhydrase and its role in symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Journal of Bacteriology 8: 2593-2600.


 13.  Liakoura V, Fotelli MN, Rennenberg H, Karabourniotis G. 2009. Should structure–function relations be considered separately for homobaric vs. heterobaric leaves? American Journal of Botany 3: 612-619.


14. Fotelli MN, Radoglou K, Nahm M, Rennenberg H. 2009. Climate effects on the N balance of beech (Fagus sylvatica) at its south-eastern distribution limit in Europe. Plant Biosystems, 143, supplement 34-45.


15.  Fotelli MN, Tsikou D, Kolliopoulou A, Aivalakis G, Katinakis P, Udvardi MK, Rennenberg H, Flemetakis E. 2011. Nodulation enhances dark CO2 fixation and recycling in the model legume Lotus japonicus. Journal of Experimental Botany 8: 2959-2971.


16.   Sumbele S, Fotelli M, Nikolopoulos D, Tooulakou G, Liakoura V, Liakopoulos G, Bresta P, Dotsika E, Adams M, Karabourniotis G. 2012. Photosynthetic capacity is negatively correlated with the concentration of leaf phenolic compounds across a range of different species. AoB PLANTS 2012: pls025; doi:10.1093/aobpla/pls025.


17.  Tsikou D, Kalloniati Ch, Fotelli MN, Nikolopoulos D,  Katinakis P, Udvardi MK, Rennenberg H, Flemetakis E. 2013. Cessation of photosynthesis in Lotus japonicus leaves leads to reprogramming of nodule metabolism. Journal of Experimental Botany 64: 1317-1332.


18.  Baeten L, Verheyen K, Wirth C, Bruelheide H, Bussotti F, Finér L, Jaroszewicz B, Selvi F, Valladares F, Allan E, Ampoorter E, Auge H, Avăcăriței D, Barbaro L, Bărnoaiea I, Bauhus J, Beinhoff C, Benavides R, Benneter A, Berger S, Berthold F, Boberg J, Bonal D, Brüggemann W, Carnol M, Castagneyrol B, Charbonnier Y, Chećko  E, Coomes D, Coppi A, Crespo BC, Dalmaris E, Dănilă G, Dawud SM., de Vries W, De Wandeler H, Deconchat M, Domisch T, Duduman G, Fischer M, Fotelli M, Gessler A, Gimeno T, Granier A, Grossiord C, Guyot V, Hantsch L, Hattenschwiler S, Hector A, Hermy M, Holland  V, Jactel H, Joly F-X, Jucker T, Kolb S, Koricheva J, Lexer MJ., Liebergesell M, Milligan H, Müller S, Muys B, Nguyen D, Nichiforel L, Pollastrini M, Proulx R, Rabasa S, Radoglou K, Ratcliffe S, Raulund-Rasmussen K, Seiferling I, Stenlid J, Vesterdal L, von Wilpert  K, Zavala MA., Zielinski D, Scherer-Lorenzen M. 2013. A novel comparative research platform designed to determine the functional significance of tree species diversity in European forests. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 15:  281-291.


19.  Ampoorter E, Coppi A, Selvi F, Auge H, Baeten L, Fotelli M, Radoglou K, Verheyen K. 2015. Overstorey-understorey relations and their driving mechanisms in European forests. Prespectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 19: 21-29.


20.  Pollastrini M, Feducci M, Bonal D, Fotelli M, Gessler A, Gossiord C, Guyot V, Jactel H, Nguyen D, Radoglou K, Bussoti F. 2016. Physiological significance of forest tree defoliation: results from a survey in a mixed forest in Tuscany (central Italy). Forest Ecology and Management, 361: 170-178.


21.  Pollastrini M, Garcia Nogales A, Benavides R, Bonal D, Finer L, Fotelli M, Gessler A, Grossiord C, Radoglou K, Strasser RJ, Bussoti F. 2017. Tree Diversity affects chlorophyll a fluorescence and other leaf traits of tree species in a boreal forest. Tree Physiology 37(2): 199-208.


22.  Ratcliffe S, Wirth C, Jucker T, van der Plas F, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Verheyen K, Allan E, Benavides R, Bruelheide H, Ohse B, Paquette A, Ampoorter E, Bastias CC, Bauhus J, Bonal D, Bouriaud O, Bussotti F, Carnol M, Castagneyrol B, Chećko E, Muhie Dawud S, De Wandeler H, Domisch T, Finér L, Fischer M, Fotelli M, Gessler A, Granier A, Grossiord C, Guyot V, Haase J, Hättenschwiler S, Jactel H, Jaroszewicz B, Joly F-X, Kambach S, Kolb S, Koricheva J, Liebersgesell M, Milligan H, Müller S, Muys B, Nguyen D, Nock C, Pollastrini M, Purschke O, Radoglou K, Raulund-Rasmussen K, Roger F, Ruiz-Benito P, Seidl R, Selvi F, Seiferling I, Stenlid J, Valladares F, Vesterdal L, Baeten L. 2017. Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning relations in European forests depend on environmental context, Ecology Letters, doi:10.1111/ele.12849


23.    Van der Plas F , Ratcliffe S, Ruiz-Benito P, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Verheyen K, Wirth C, Zavala MA., Ampoorter E, Baeten L, Barbaro L, Bastias CC, Bauhus J, Benavides R, Benneter A, Berthold F, Bonal D, Bouriaud O, Bruelheide H, Bussotti F, Carnol M, Castagneyrol B, Charbonnier Y, Checko E, Coomes D, Coppi A, Dawud MS, De Smedt P, De Wandeler H, Domisch T, Finér L, Fotelli M, Gessler A, Granier A, Grossiord C, Guyot V, Haase J, Hättenschwiler S, Jactel H, Jaroszewicz B, Joly F-X, Jucker T, Kambach S, Kattge J, Koricheva J, Kunstler G, Liebersgesell M, Manning P, Milligan H, Müller S, Muys B, Nguyen D, Nock C, Paquette A, Pollastrini M, Radoglou K, Raulund-Rasmussen K, Roger F, Seidl R, Selvi F, Stenlid J, Valladares F, van Keer J, Vesterdal F, Weigelt A, Zielínski D, Fischer M, Gamfeldt L, Allan E. 2017. Continental mapping of forest ecosystem functions reveals a high but unrealised potential for forest multifunctionality. Ecology Letters, doi: 10.1111/ele.12868


24.  Baeten L, Bruelheide H, van der Plas F, Kambach S, Ratcliffe S, Jucker T, Allan E, Ampoorter E, Barbaro L, Bastias CC., Bauhus J, Benavides R, Bonal D, Bouriaud O, Bussotti F, Carnol M, Castagneyrol B, Charbonnier Y, Chećko E, Dawud SM, De Wandeler H, Domisch T, Finér L, Fischer M, Fotelli M, Gessler A, Granier A, Grossiord C, Guyot V, Hättenschwiler S, Jactel H, Jaroszewicz B, Joly F-X, Kändler G, Koricheva J, Lehtonen A, Milligan H, Müller S, Muys B, Nguyen D, Pollastrini M, Radoglou K, Raulund-Rasmussen K, Ruiz-Benito P, Selvi F, Stenlid J, Valladares F, Vesterdal L, Verheyen K, Wirth C, Zavala MA., Scherer-Lorenzen M. 2018. Identifying the tree species compositions that maximize ecosystem functioning in European forests. Journal of Applied Ecology, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.13308


25.  Fotelli MN, Korakaki E, Paparrizos SA, Radoglou K, Awada T, Matzarakis A. 2019. Environmental controls on the seasonal variation in gas exchange and water balance in a near-coastal mediterranean Pinus halepensis forest. Forests, 10(4), 313; doi: 10.3390/f10040313.


26.  Bantis F, Koukounaras A, Siomos A, Fotelli MN, Kintzonidis D. 2019. Bichromatic red and blue LEDs during healing enhance the vegetative growth and quality of grafted watermelon seedlings. Scientia Horticulturae, published online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2019.109000


27. Fotelli MN*, Lyrou FG, Avtzis DN, Maurer D, Rennenberg H, Spyroglou G, Polle A, Radoglou. 2020. Effective defense of Aleppo pine against the giant scale Marchalina hellenica through ecophysiological and metabolic changes. Frontiers in Plant Science 11: 581693. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2020.581693


28. Bantis F, Fotelli M, Ilić ZA, Koukounaras A. 2020. Physiological and phytochemical responses of spinach baby leaves grown in a PFAL system with LEDs and saline nutrient solution. Agriculture 10(11), 574; https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture10110574


29. Korakaki E, Fotelli MN*. 2020. Sap flow in Aleppo pine in Greece in relation to sapwood radial gradient, temporal and climatic variability. Forests, 12, 2. https://doi.org/10.3390/f12010002 


30.          Spyroglou G, Fotelli MN, Nanos N, Radoglou K. 2021. Assessing biomass accumulation in black locust restoration plantation. Forests, 12, 1477. https://doi.org/10.3390/f12111477


31.          Fotelli MN*. 2021. Impacts of Climate Change on Tree Physiology and Responses of Forest Ecosystems. Forests, 12, 1728. (Editorial) https://doi.org/10.3390/f12121728


32.          Holland V, Reininger N, Bantis F, Brüggemann W, Radoglou K, Fotelli MN*. 2022. Diurnal photosynthetic performance of two oak species from two provenances in a Mediterranean and a central European common garden. Photosynthetica: online first, https://doi.org/10.32615/ps.2022.023


33.          Tziaferidis SR, Spyroglou G, Fotelli M*, Radoglou K. 2022. Allometric models for the estimation of foliage area and biomass from stem metrics in black locust. iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry 15: 281-288. doi: https://doi.org/10.3832/ifor3939-015


34.          Bussotti F, Brüggeman W, Fotelli M, Pollastrini M. 2022. Downregulation of PSI regulates photosynthesis in early successional tree species. Evidence from a field survey across European forests. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, submitted.

36. Bussotti F, Brüggemann W, Fotelli M, Pollastrini M. 2022. Downregulation of PSI regulates photosynthesis in early successional tree species. Evidence from a field survey across European forests. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, 12: 100145. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpap.2022.100145


37. Markos N, Radoglou K, Fotelli M. 2023. Environmental drivers of gross primary production and evapotranspiration at a Robinia pseudoacacia L. restoration plantation. Forests, 14(5), 916; https://doi.org/10.3390/f14050916.


38. Xanthopoulos G, Radoglou K, Derrien D, Spyroglou G, Angeli N, Tsioni G, Fotelli M. 2023. Carbon sequestration and soil nitrogen enrichment in Robinia pseudoacacia L. post-mining restoration plantations. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, Volume 6, https://doi.org/10.3389/ffgc.2023.1190026



39. Scherer-Lorenzen Μ, Allan E, Ampoorter E, Avacaritiei D, Baeten L, Barnoaiea I, Bastias C, Bauhus J, Benavides R, Benneter A, Berger S, Bonal D, Bouriaud O, Bruelheide H, Bussotti F, Carnol M, Castagneyrol B, Chećko E, Coomes D, Coppi A, Cosofret C, Danila I, Dawud S, De Wandeler H, Domisch T, Duduman G, Finér L, Fischer M, Fotelli M. et al. The functional significance of tree species diversity in European forests - the FunDivEUROPE dataset [Dataset]. Dryad. https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.9ghx3ffpz




1. Φωτέλλη ΜΝ, Sumbelle S, Λιάκουρα Β, Τοουλάκου Γ, Νικολόπουλος Δ, Λιακόπουλος Γ, Καραμπουρνιώτης Γ. 2008. Δομικά και λειτουργικά χαρακτηριστικά φύλλου αντιπροσωπευτικών ειδών της ελληνικής και αυστραλιανής χλωρίδας. σ.σ. 79. Αθήνα, Εκδόσεις Έμβρυο.


2. Fotelli M. 2021.  Impacts of Climate Change on Tree Physiology and

Responses of Forest Ecosystems. (Printed Edition of the Special Issue

Published in Forests). Pp. 172. ISBN 978-3-0365-2750-5 (Hbk); ISBN

978-3-0365-2751-2 (PDF).





Peer reviewed articles In National scientific journals


1. Radoglou K, FotelliΜΝ, RaftoyiannisΙ, Halyvopoulos G. 2004. Review on the dormancy and vitality of woody plant stock: (I) Affecting factors and evaluation of morphological parameters as indicators of dormancy and vitality. Geotechnical Scientific Issues15: 61-75. (with English abstract).


2. Radoglou K, Fotelli ΜΝ, Raftoyiannis Ι, Halyvopoulos G. 2005. Review on the dormancy and vitality of woody plant stock: (ΙΙ) Evaluation of physiological parameters as indicators of dormancy and vitality. Geotechnica Scientific Issues16: 57-78. (with English abstract).

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