Διεθνή περιοδικά του SCI-SCOPUS
- Gärtner S.; Reif A.; Xystrakis F.; Sayer U.; Bendagha N. & Matzarakis A. 2008: The drought tolerance limit of Fagus sylvatica forest on limestone in southwestern Germany. Journal of Vegetation Science 19 757-768.
- Gouvas M.; Sakellariou N. & Xystrakis F. 2009: On the relationship between altitude of meteorological stations and average monthly and annual precipitation. Studia geophysica et geodætica 53 (4) 557-570.
- Xystrakis F. & Matzarakis A. 2011: Evaluation of thirteen empirical reference potential evapotranspiration equations in the island of Crete, southern Greece. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering – ASCE 137 (4) 211-222.
- Kostinakis K.; Xystrakis F.; Theodoropoulos K.; Eleftheriadou E.; Stathis D. & Matzarakis A. 2011: Estimation of reference potential evapotranspiration with focus on vegetation science – The EmPEst software. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering – ASCE 137 (9) 616-619.
- Pleniou M., Xystrakis F., Dimopoulos P. & Koutsias N. 2012: Maps of fire occurrence – spatially explicit reconstruction of recent fire history using satellite remote sensing. Journal of Maps 8 (4) 499-506.
- Koutsias N., Xanthopoulos G., Founda D., Xystrakis F., Nioti F., Pleniou M., Mallinis G., Arianoutsou M. 2013: On the relationships between forest fires and weather conditions in Greece from long-term national observations (1894–2010). International Journal of Wildland Fire, 22 (4), 493-507
- Xystrakis F. & Koutsias N. 2013: Differences of fire activity and their underlying factors among vegetation formations in Greece. iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry, 6 (3) 132-140.
- Xystrakis F., Kallimanis A.S., Dimopoulos P., Halley J.M. & Koutsias, N. 2014 Precipitation dominates fire occurrence in Greece (1900–2010): its dual role in fuel build-up and dryness. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 14 (1) 21-32.
- Venäläinen A., Korhonen N., Hyvärinen O., Koutsias N., Xystrakis F., Urbieta I.R. & Moreno J. M. 2014: Temporal variations and change in forest fire danger in Europe for 1960–2012. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 14 (6), 1477-1490.
- Xystrakis F., Theodoropoulos K., Eleftheriadou E., Samaras D. A., Damianidis Ch. & Papadopoulos T. 2014: Succession rates and patterns twelve years after land use abandonment in the estuary of the river Aliakmon, N. Greece. Acta Botanica Croatica, 73 (1), 251–265.
- Nioti F., Xystrakis F., Koutsias N. & Dimopoulos P. 2015. A remote sensing and GIS approach to study the long term vegetation recovery of a fire affected pine forest in southern Greece. Remote sensing, 7 7712-7731
- Salis M., Arca B., Alcasena F., Arianoutsou M., Bacciu V., Duce P., Duguy B., Koutsias N., Mallinis G., Mitsopoulos I., Moreno J. M., Pérez J. R., Urbieta I. R., Xystrakis F., Zavala G., & Spano D. 2016. Predicting wildfire spread and behaviour in Mediterranean landscapes. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 25 (10) 1015-1032.
- Turco, M., Bedia J., Di Liberto F., Fiorucci P., von Hardenberg J., Koutsias N., Llasat M.-C., Xystrakis F. & Provenzale A. 2016. Decreasing fires in Mediterranean Europe. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0150663.
- Stamou Z., Xystrakis F. & Koutsias N, 2016. The role of fire as a long-term landscape modifier: Evidence from long-term fire observations (1922–2000) in Greece. Applied Geography, 74 47-55.
- Xystrakis F., Psarras T. & Koutsias N. 2017. A process-based land use/land cover change assessment on a mountainous area of Greece during 1945–2009: Signs of socio-economic drivers. Science of the Total Environment, 587–588 360-370.
- Ghimire S., Xystrakis F. & Koutsias N. 2017. Using terrestrial laser scanning to measure forest inventory parameters in a Mediterranean coniferous stand of western Greece. PFG-Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Processing 3 1-13. Doi: 10.1007/s41064-017-0024-1
- Reif A., Xystrakis F., Gärtner S. & Sayer U., 2017. Floristic Change at the Drought Limit of European Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) to Downy Oak (Quercus pubescens) Forest in the Temperate Climate of Central Europe. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 45(2), 646-654.
- Tsiripidis I, Xystrakis F, Kallimanis A, Panitsa M & Dimopoulos P, 2018. A bottom–up approach for the conservation status assessment of structure and functions of habitat types. Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali 29(2): 267-282
- Kokkoris I.P., Dimopoulos P., Xystrakis F. & Tsiripidis I., 2018. National scale ecosystem condition assessment with emphasis on forest types in Greece. One Ecosystem 3, p. e25434.
- Xystrakis F, Mitsios-Antonakos D, Eleftheriadou E, Dimopoulos P & Theodoropoulos K. 2019. Inter-regional beta-diversity patterns of the woody flora of Greece. Annals of Forest Research, 62(1) 35-50
- Bonari G., Knollová I., Vlčková P., Xystrakis F., Çoban S., Sağlam C., Didukh Y.P., Hennekens S.M., Acosta A.T. & Angiolini C., 2019. CircumMed Pine Forest Database: an electronic archive for Mediterranean and Submediterranean pine forest vegetation data. Phytocoenologia 49(3), 311-318
- Krina A., Xystrakis F., Karantininis K. & Koutsias, N. 2020. Monitoring and Projecting Land Use/Land Cover Changes of Eleven Large Deltaic Areas in Greece from 1945 Onwards. Remote Sensing, 12, 1241